Proizvod Cijena Količina Ukupno
× Ležaj kozmetički za salone i wellness centre HELENN 3.090,00 KM
3.090,00 KM
× Antidekubitalni zračni jastuk za sjedenje-kolica 335,00 KM
335,00 KM

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Ukupno 3.425,00 KM

Opcije dostave bit će ažurirane na stranici naplate.

Ukupno 3.425,00 KM

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How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight.

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To short sentences, to many headings, images too large for the proposed design, or too small, or they fit in but it looks iffy for reasons the folks in the meeting can’t quite tell right now, but they’re unhappy, somehow.